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2025tue04feb9:00 amtue3:00 pmFUTURE TECHNOLOGY FORUMNews and views from the Future Technology Forum

2025tue11feb9:00 amtue3:00 pmFUTURE PAYMENTS FORUMQuarterly meeting exploring the future of mass-consumer retail payments and how it will support merchants

2025tue25feb9:00 amtue3:00 pmSMART TRANSPORT FORUMThe latest roundup of smart ticketing and transport developments


2025tue13may9:00 amtue3:00 pmFUTURE TECHNOLOGY FORUMNews and views from the Future Technology Forum

2025tue20may9:00 amtue3:00 pmFUTURE PAYMENTS FORUMQuarterly meeting exploring the future of mass-consumer retail payments and how it will support merchants