Reasons to Join Smartex
- What roles can smart technology play in the rebuilding of the post-Covid economy?
- Smart cards will eventually be superseded by mobiles, but how and when?
- Which comms technologies, such as NFC, QR Barcodes, BLE or iBeacons could dominate?
- What is the national strategy for public transport ticketing and payment systems?
- How will the widely anticipated explosive growth of IoT affect our market?
- To what extent will PSD2 and SCA affect the payments community?
- What form will national/international Digital ID take, and who’s in charge?
- How and when will biometrics become the mainstream authentication technique?
- How, to whom and when will biometric fingerprint payment cards be widely deployed?
- How can smart technology support the rebuilding of a sustainable campus?
- When will smart campus schemes migrate to smartphones and adopt biometrics?

Smartex Forums debate & seek answers to these and other pressing, highly topical issues.

Since 1993, over 630 of our sector-specific (both live and virtual) meetings have attracted over 18,800 delegate-days of attendance, with over 2,200 specialist speakers covering the entire spectrum of smart cards, the smartphone revolution, IoT, biometrics, wearables and related technologies as applied to the main smart market areas. With so many new technologies, applications and form factors on the near horizon, it’s hard to understand or even imagine our industry without Smartex meetings and networking.
Several of our Forums have become sector-specific, especially for transport ticketing and payment, for University and College smart campus schemes, and for the FinTech market. The newest group, the International Biometric Forum (IBF), addresses the pivotal role that biometric technology will have in Digital ID and a wider range of other authentication requirements. We constantly modify the scope of our Forums to accommodate the ever-changing smart reality.
During 2020/2021, some 490 individuals attended our F2F and virtual meetings, representing nearly 300 organisations. Networking, and doing business with fellow members and other delegates, not only in the UK but also through our affiliated Forums overseas, is therefore yet another real benefit of membership.
Can you afford not to be part of this influential group at the heart of these fast-moving and volatile technologies so vital in the new e- and m-worlds, particularly in these current challenging times?